[III. The Miracles at Uruvelā]

[33. The Sacred Fire Miracles]

Tena kho pana samayena te jaṭilā aggī paricaritukāmā
Then at that time those yogis who wanted to tend the sacred fires

na sakkonti kaṭṭhāni phāletuṁ.
were not able to chop the firewood.

Atha kho tesaṁ jaṭilānaṁ etad-ahosi:
Then this occurred to those yogis:

“Nissaṁsayaṁ kho Mahāsamaṇassa iddhānubhāvo
“No doubt it is because of the Great Ascetic’s psychic power

yathā mayaṁ na sakkoma kaṭṭhāni phāletun.”-ti
that we are not able to chop the firewood.”

Atha kho Bhagavā Uruvelakassapaṁ jaṭilaṁ etad-avoca:
Then the Fortunate One said this to the yogi Uruvelakassapa:

“Phāliyantu Kassapa kaṭṭhānī.” ti
“Let the firewood be chopped, From the verb phāliyati, passive of phāleti, unnoticed in PED. Kassapa.”

“Phāliyantu Mahāsamaṇā,” ti
“Let it be chopped, Great Ascetic,”

sakid-eva pañca kaṭṭhasatāni phāliyiṁsu.
and more than five hundred pieces of firewood were chopped.

Atha kho Uruvelakassapassa jaṭilassa etad-ahosi:
Then this occurred to the yogi Uruvelakassapa:

“Mahiddhiko kho Mahāsamaṇo mahānubhāvo,
“Powerful and majestic is this Great Ascetic,

yatra hi nāma kaṭṭhāni pi phāliyissanti,
since (on his say so) firewood can be chopped,

na tveva ca kho Arahā yathā ahan.”-ti
but he is surely not a Worthy One like I am.”

* * *

Tena kho pana samayena te jaṭilā aggī paricaritukāmā
Then at that time those yogis who wanted to tend the sacred fires

na sakkonti aggī ujjaletuṁ.
were not able to light the fires.

Atha kho tesaṁ jaṭilānaṁ etad-ahosi:
Then this occurred to those yogis:

“Nissaṁsayaṁ kho Mahāsamaṇassa iddhānubhāvo
“No doubt it is because of the Great Ascetic’s psychic power

yathā mayaṁ na sakkoma aggī ujjaletun.”-ti
that we are not able to light the sacred fires.”

Atha kho Bhagavā Uruvelakassapaṁ jaṭilaṁ etad-avoca:
Then the Fortunate One said this to the yogi Uruvelakassapa:

“Ujjaliyantu Kassapa aggī.” ti
“Let the sacred fires be lit, Kassapa.”

“Ujjaliyantu Mahāsamaṇā,” ti
“Let them be lit, Great Ascetic,”

sakid-eva pañca aggisatāni ujjaliṁsu.
and more than five hundred sacred fires were lit.

Atha kho Uruvelakassapassa jaṭilassa etad-ahosi:
Then this occurred to the yogi Uruvelakassapa:

“Mahiddhiko kho Mahāsamaṇo mahānubhāvo,
“Powerful and majestic is this Great Ascetic,

yatra hi nāma aggī pi ujjaliyissanti,
since (on his say so) sacred fires can be lit,

na tveva ca kho Arahā yathā ahan.”-ti
but he is surely not a Worthy One like I am.”

* * *

Tena kho pana samayena te jaṭilā aggī paricaritvā,
Then at that time those yogis, after tending the sacred fires,

na sakkonti aggī vijjhāpetuṁ.
were not able to put the sacred fires out.

Atha kho tesaṁ jaṭilānaṁ etad-ahosi:
Then this occurred to those yogis:

“Nissaṁsayaṁ kho Mahāsamaṇassa iddhānubhāvo
“No doubt it is because of the Great Ascetic’s psychic power

yathā mayaṁ na sakkoma aggī vijjhāpetun.”-ti
that we are not able to put out the sacred fires.”

Atha kho Bhagavā Uruvelakassapaṁ jaṭilaṁ etad-avoca:
Then the Fortunate One said this to the yogi Uruvelakassapa:

“Vijjhāyantu Kassapa aggī.” ti
“Let the sacred fires be put out, Kassapa.”

“Vijjhāyantu Mahāsamaṇā,” ti
“Let them be put out, Great Ascetic,”

sakid-eva pañca aggisatāni vijjhāyiṁsu.
and more than five hundred sacred fires were put out.

Atha kho Uruvelakassapassa jaṭilassa etad-ahosi:
Then this occurred to the yogi Uruvelakassapa:

“Mahiddhiko kho Mahāsamaṇo mahānubhāvo,
“Powerful and majestic is this Great Ascetic,

yatra hi nāma aggī pi vijjhāyissanti,
since (on his say so) sacred fires can be put out,

na tveva ca kho Arahā yathā ahan.”-ti
but he is surely not a Worthy One like I am.”