[XX. The Complete Emancipation of the Elders]

[The Passing of Arahat Saṅghamittā]
65-74 ≠ Mhv 48-53

Saṅghamittā Mahātherī, mahābhiññā mahāmatī,
The Great Elder Saṅghamittā, of great power, great intelligence,

katvā Sāsanakiccāni sīlapaññāguṇehi ca, [65]
after fulfilling all duties to the Dispensation with virtue and wisdom,

bahulokahitaṁ katvā Laṅkādīpe manorame,
and benefiting many people in the delightful Island of Laṅkā,

tassa Uttiyarājassa navavassassa accaye, [66]
nine years after (the beginning of the reign) of King Uttiya,

ekūnasaṭṭhivassāni, Hatthāḷhaka-upassaye
vasantā Saṅghamittā sā, dīpo lokassa nibbutā. [67]

fifty-nine years (after ordination), while residing in the Elephant’s Measure house, the light of the world passed away.

Taṁ ExtMhv omits, but probably be accident, as it leaves a 7-syllable line, and compare the same line at 20.49a above. sutvā, Uttiyo Rājā sokasallasamappito
Having heard that, King Uttiya, affected by the dart of grief,

assudhāraṁ pavattento, nikkhanto parisāya pi [68]
with a shower of tears set rolling, The third time this phrase has been used about the Elder: first when she told her Father, King Asoka, she was going to Laṅkā, and next when she actually left for the Island, never to return. went out with his assembly

Therassa viya pūjāya pūjāsakkāram-uttamaṁ
karonto Theriyā tassā sattāhāni tahiṁ pana, [69]

and just as for the Elder (Mahinda), he made supreme offerings and paid respect to the Elder Nun for a week in that place,

sabbā alaṅkatā Laṅkā Therassa viya āsi ca.
and decorated the whole of Laṅkā as for the Elder (Mahinda).

Kūṭāgāragataṁ, Theridehaṁ sattadinaccaye, [70]
After seven days, the Elder’s body (was placed) on top of a bier,

nayitvāna purā rammā saddhiñ-ca parisāya pi,
and, after being led round the delightful city with the assembly,

ṭhapāpetvā Mahīpālo kūṭāgāraṁ alaṅkataṁ, [71]
and placing the decorated bier aside, the Guardian of the World,

Cittasālāsamīpamhi, Mahābodhipadassaye,
near to the Beautiful hall, in sight of the Great Bodhi,

Thūpārāmavihārassa puratthimadisāya vā, [72]
on the eastern side of the Sanctuary monastery,

Theriyā vuttaṭhānamhi, aggikiccaṁ akārayi.
in the place indicated by the Elder Nun, had the cremation carried out.

Thūpañ-ca tattha kāresi Uttiyo so Mahīpati. Mhv: Mahāmati. [73]
The Lord of the World Uttiya also had a Sanctuary built in that place.

Gahetvā dhātuyo tassā Thūpe tattha nidhāpayi,
Having taken her relics he deposited them in the Sanctuary,

sabbapūjāvidhānehi pūjāpesi dine dine. [74]
and he worshipped there day by day, with all kinds of offerings.