9: Karaṇīyamettasuttaṁ

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yassānubhāvato yakkhā ~ neva dassenti bhiṁsanaṁ,
yamhi ve cānuyuñjanto CBhp: yamhī ve cāyunuñjanto, MPP: yamhi ce vānuyuñjanto. ~ rattiṁ divam-antandito
CBhp: rattiṁ divam-atamandito.

sukhaṁ supati sutto ca ~ pāpaṁ kiñci na passati -
evam-ādiguṇopetam, ~ parittaṁ taṁ bhaṇāmahe.

karaṇīyam-atthakusalena, ~ yan-taṁ PPV2: yaṁ taṁ. santaṁ padaṁ abhisamecca:

sakko ujū ca sūjū ca, ~ suvaco cassa mudu anatimānī, [1]


santussako ca subharo ca, ~ appakicco ca sallahukavutti,

santindriyo ca nipako ca, ~ appagabbho kulĕsu ananugiddho, Metre: sometimes a syllable has been taken as light m.c., against its normal weight, this is indicated by a breve above the syllable in question. [2]


⏑⏑−−¦⏑−⏑¦−−¦⏑,−⏑¦−−¦⏑−⏑¦⏑⏑−¦− hypermetric
na ca khuddaṁ samācare kiñci ~ yena viññū pare upavadeyyuṁ.

“sukhino vā khĕmino hontu, ~ sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā! [3]


−−¦⏑−⏑¦−−¦⏑,⏑−¦−−⏑¦−−⏑¦⏑⏑−¦− irregular
ye keci pāṇabhūtatthi CBhp, PPV2: -atthī. - ~ tasā vā thāvarā vā anavasesā, Metre: we need to read short a in va twice in this line m.c.

−−¦−−⏑¦−−¦−,−⏑¦−−¦⏑−⏑¦⏑−¦− irregular
dīghā vā ye mahantā vā, ~ majjhimā rassakāṇukathūlā, Metre: in the first half of the pādayuga we need to read short a in va m.c. or possibly (the same comment applies to the following line also); in the second half we could read rassakāṇukkathūlā, with a doubling of the consonant m.c. [4]


diṭṭhā vā ye ca addiṭṭhā, ~ ye ca dūre vasanti avidūre, PPV2: avidure.

bhūtā vā sambhavesī vā - ~ sabbe sattā bhavantu sukhitattā!” [5]


na paro paraṁ nikubbetha, ~ nātimaññetha katthaci năṁ kañci,

byārosanā paṭighasaññā ~ nāññam-aññassa dukkham-iccheyya. [6]


mātā yathā niyaṁ puttaṁ ~ āyusā ekaputtam-anurakkhe,

evam-pi sabbabhūtesu ~ mānasaṁ bhāvaye aparimāṇaṁ, [7]


mettañ-ca sabbalokasmiṁ ~ mānasaṁ bhāvaye aparimāṇaṁ,

uddhaṁ adho ca tiriyañ-ca, ~ asambādhaṁ avĕraṁ asapattaṁ. [8]


−−¦⏑−⏑¦−−¦−,⏑−−−−⏑−⏑⏑⏑⏑−− irregular
tiṭṭhaṁ caraṁ nisinno vā, ~ sayāno vā yāvatassa vigatamiddho, Metre: the second half of the pādayuga is very irregular, and just how we should scan it is not clear.

etaṁ satiṁ adhiṭṭheyya, ~ brahmam-etaṁ vihārăṁ idha-m-āhu. [9]


−−⏑⏑⏑⏑−⏑,−⏑¦−−¦⏑−⏑¦−−¦− irregular
diṭṭhiñ-ca anupagamma, ~ sīlavā dassanena sampanno, Metre: it may be we should take the first half of the pādayuga as a Siloka line showing the savipula. If it is Old Gīti it is very irregular.

kāmĕsu vineyya gedhaṁ, ~ na hi jātu gabbhaseyyaṁ puna-r-etī ti. Metre: this is a Classical Gīti line as it stands, with the caesura coinciding with the end of the first half of the pādayuga. But the jagaṇa (⏑−⏑) in the second half of the pādayuga is irregular, being in an odd gaṇa instead of an even one. [10]